My Projects

Click on the images to see the deployed projects!
Technologies Used:
NextJS MaterialUI Firebase Firebase

Cheetcode is an interactive web that allows users who struggle with technical interviews to learn and advance easily. Including features such as real-time AI mock technical interviews to give users the ultimate learning experience.

Technologies Used:
JavaScript React Node.js Express Bootstrap Figma npm Postgresql AWS Firebase

CUNYSphere is a FullStack web app designed to boost connections within the CUNY community. It offers instant chat rooms for classes, facilitating communication among students. Additionally, students can share resumes on the Career Connect page for feedback and networking. The platform also features a job page powered by the Adzuna API for students to explore job opportunities.

Technologies Used:
NextJS MaterialUI Firebase Firebase

AI Chatbot that gives information about our upcoming project CheetCode. Built with NextJS, MaterialUI, Firebase, and the OpenAI API.

Technologies Used:
NextJS MaterialUI Firebase

The Inventory Tracker is a web application built with Next.js and Material-UI for efficient inventory management. It features secure user authentication and real-time data updates powered by Firebase. Users can easily add, remove, and adjust item quantities, with changes instantly reflected across devices. This project highlights my ability to create responsive, user-friendly applications with real-time functionality.

Sneakers App
Technologies Used:
MongoDDB Express React NodeJS

SneakersApp is an interactive app where users can sign up/sign in to buy some of the most anticipated sneakers of the month. Built using full MERN (Mongo, Express, React, Node.js).

Wallpaper Generator
Technologies Used:
JavaScript HTML CSS Bootstrap

The Wallpaper Generator is an interactive web application that allows users to generate custom wallpapers based on their preferences. Users can select different shapes, dimensions, and colors, and then view their created wallpaper, which can also be downloaded.

Tic Tac Toe
Technologies Used:
JavaScript HTML CSS

A simple Tic Tac Toe game made using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.